everyone can be a hero

Through our daily choices we can all be heroes. How we react and process life determines our next steps. We teach, model and demonstrate that a life lived for God through the power of Jesus Christ changes everything! Bad stuff still happens to us and all around us, but we have the power to stand strong on the foundation of Christ. We don't just worship Christ on Sunday, He's living and active in all of our affairs. We are a learning community that is trying to unlearn many things and learn how to follow Christ genuinely-humbly in this fallen world. Our community is inundated with Poverty and is very diverse. We don't pretend to have all the answers but depend on Jesus knowing that all of us are in process of becoming better humans. All of us sin, all of us struggle. We are all looking for something more than mainstream religion provides. Jesus has been lighting the way for us every step of the way since we decided to step out in faith in 2013. We rely on Him and stand

on His Word, living as He did, unafraid of the world, connected to our Father.

When we choose to Love and depend on Jesus to help us Love like Him we show the world what a real hero looks like. So, it's simple, but rarely easy. We pray and we stay. We try do the next right thing and when we make mistakes, we try to learn from them and move on. The best kind of Heros are real with their struggles and keep getting back up.