Our Neighborhood

"His Hands Outreach exists to Create Space where the Body of Christ Connects with and Serves our Neighbors."

His Hands Outreach’s underlying purpose is to create connections between people from differing cultures, religious traditions, and socioeconomic classes so that the Kingdom of God can be more fully experienced in our neighborhood. We want to provide a different experience of Jesus than many have seen before, without hidden motives and without pressure. People are not notches in our belt nor are they projects. We believe that Jesus loves all of us unconditionally and we want to love like Him. Everything we do is about serving and building relationships. As we get to know our neighbors and they get to know us, we each become givers and receivers and Jesus is free to flow between us in a way that allows both of us to benefit and grow. This is the first step which leads us closer to Christ and authentic Community where we encourage and inspire each other towards growth.

We are a spirit driven ministry but are quiet about it. We pray about everything and strive to have the wisdom and patience to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and prepare the way. We prefer simplicity over complicated productions. We also believe that there is value even in our mistakes. We chose to begin our ministry in this neighborhood by maintaining a community garden plot. As we stood in a circle in what we thought was our garden, holding hands and praying over this neighborhood, a woman came to ask us what we were doing. When we explained to her that we were asking God to bless our garden, she kindly informed us that this was her garden and ours was further down the street. This was in March of 2014 and since that time we have developed relationships with her and her family members as well many other neighbors. They have helped and supported us in many ways.

A unique feature of His Hands Outreach is that our ministry is never a one size fits all approach. Our services and guidelines are flexible but yet we hold to a firm scriptural foundation. The Body of Christ under the power of the Holy Spirit is a powerful force in effecting change. Relationships are established, stories are shared, and solutions are discovered.

We have been created to live in community; spiritually, socially, and relationally we often live our lives in isolation. Without genuine community we find ourselves incomplete and with no one to turn to in times we need genuine support. Living in community affords us the opportunity to experience God through relationships as we play and pray together, as we encourage and help one another, and as we share what God is doing in our lives and as we grow and live out God’s word together.

a place to belong

  If your not sure you believe in God that's OK, you're welcome here. If you have believed your whole life or are new to following Jesus you're welcome here. No matter where you are on your journey we want to walk alongside you as you go. Our Hope is that as we journey together we all grow in Hope, experiencing Jesus as being active, alive and at work in our lives. 

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